get ur ass out of my life.

i hate it when i got to go through some parts of your life that i tot, i shouldnt.to befriend with u was just like a hell nitemare for me. oh jizes. i wish i didnt know you at all. i wish i didnt meet u at ALL.
keep on being fucking hypocrite in front of me. your 'good" acting couldnt cover all your bads towards me.it couldnt solve everything. soory, i've deleted u on mys, and of course fb too. u just dun deserve to befriend with me anymore.i just felt like wanna have a huge vomitting in front of you, while u trying to be good , act like u really care about me,crying in front of me, and the worst part was u manipulated pipel with your fucking words. stop acting like you was innocent and trying to get pity from other people. it was so sick! Thank God, i havent met u anymore. get a life babe. have a good life with your so called bff. and not to forget with your d--g a-----ers. u just dunno how worst will your life would be if u still stick on them. thank you for your so fake kindness to me.i didnt care about u and ur fucking bff anymore. get ur ass out of my life.


Anonymous said...

hoy sape ni dude?chill k? :)

JJ KRN said...

haha adelah.!!